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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". 
​Infant Class


In our infant center, we take children from ages 4 weeks to 18 months.  We have separate sleep and play areas that allow infants to follow their individual daily schedules of eating, sleeping, and exploring without affecting the other infants. Play areas are stimulating, bright, clean, and colorful to encourage exploration. Babies are exposed to a variety of toys and activities to keep them interested and learning about their world.
If you spend a little time in our infant center you will notice the care and dedication of our infant staff. They change activities often for variety. You will see them singing, reading, talking, playing games, teaching sign language, and involved in other multi-sensory activities designed to expand your child's ever growing horizons. You will also see a lot of hugs, cuddles, and comfort as they ensure your child feels safe and secure.

  Your child’s growth will be monitored by professionals and he or she will be encouraged to advance developmentally through structured exercises and training through the Creative Curriculum.    Diapers will be changed as needed with each event and type recorded.  Mothers that are breast feeding may either come to the center to feed or submit an ample supply of breast milk to be fed to their infant if they elect not to use a supplement.



Toddler Class​ 

Toddlers are generally children 12 months to 30 months and walking independently. Our Toddler rooms are designed with your toddler in mind.

Toddler activities encourage your child's natural curiosity and emerging independence. They spend their day with sensory activities, physical play, and group circle time. They are learning to interact with other children and adults. They begin feeding themselves. Our curriculum helps them to expand their vocabulary and early language skills through singing, story time, puzzles, games, and interactive play. Art projects develop their manual dexterity and early writing skills.


Your child will enjoy a variety of playground equipment, outdoor activities, and games. Their day is full, but we still squeeze in a nap!

Our teachers are skilled at incorporating fun into the curriculum. Your child won't even realize the teaching that is taking place, but you will. We cater to the whole child with activities to develop your child's social, emotional, physical and educational foundation.



Preschool and Up 

Preschool children are learning in a hands-on environment where they can use their creative abilities, expand their imagination play, and prepare their mental skills. We strive to teach them communication, manners, responsibility, respect, and other social skills they will need when entering elementary school.
We build on the curriculum methods already in place, and expand into new avenues for learning. Over time, the preschool program and curriculum becomes more structured to prepare each child for the transition into Kindergarten. Preschool children will advance their physical skills as well.
Teachers encourage the natural curiosity of preschool children through large and small group activities, and a variety of learning centers. We balance the preschoolers need for independence with their need for a loving and secure environment.




Our curriculum has been developed and fine tuned over the years. We provide the children with the basics of "learning how to learn" which gives them a strong foundation. Equally as important, we provide each child with the socialization skills necessary for entering elementary school.

Children’s Palace Learning Center uses the Creative Curriculum which is designed to enrich all of the areas of a child's development. Our curriculum is theme based. The themes change each week and correlates to the concepts that are being taught on a weekly basis. Children’s Palace Learning Center focuses on the needs of children in each area of development - Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social. Children will learn and develop through exploration and play. This makes each week of the year new and exciting.

The children will experience many different activities, some teacher directed and some child directed. The children will explore and experience music activities, math activities, science activities, dramatic play activities, construction and block play activities, manipulative activities, literacy activities, circle time, art activities, sand and water activities, gross motor activities, and fine motor activities. All children will use a variety of media to encourage exploration and imagination..

Parents will get feedback on their children by way of progress reports, evaluations, and parent/teacher conferences. The information below will help you build an understanding of what your child does in his or her classroom each day. We encourage you to read the information, and then you'll be able to ask your child with confidence, "What did you do in school today?"

·         Literacy development helps children build an understanding of language and literature. It includes listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. These activities help build skills in areas such as communication, vocabulary, letter recognition, and comprehension. Story time is designed to help children develop an appreciation and enjoyment of literature.

·         Math activities include hands-on and real life experiences. They also help children develop awareness of numbers, geometry, patterns, measurement, and graphs.

·         Manipulative activities help children improve visual perception, hand-eye coordination, as well as problem solving and social skills.

·         Circle time is a group gathering during which the day's plans, ideas, and observations are shared. Circle activities are designed to stimulate children's thinking, enrich their social skills, and expand their attention spans.

·         Art activities help children creatively express their thoughts and feelings. They help reinforce fine motor skills and concept development in areas such as colors, shapes, and size relationships.

·         Dramatic play activities help children express themselves, practice life skills, improve social skills, increase self-esteem, build vocabulary, and solve problems. And dramatic play is just plain fun.

·         Music activities promote children's listening skills, creative expression, and social skills. In music, children can explore sound, volume, tempo, and rhythm.

·         Science activities offer children many hands-on opportunities for observation, exploration, investigation, making decisions, and experimentation.

·         Sand and water activities allow children to experiment with textures and the properties of different substances. These activities also promote the development of other skills, such as math, science, and language.

·         Block play helps children improve visual perception, hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, imagination, as well as problem solving and social skills

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